Consulting Services

Make better water management decisions with specialist hydrometry, flood risk management and water resources management data, insight and analysis services.

Our specialist hydrological and water resources consultancy team uses hydrological, climate and water quality data and expertise to help you make better, faster and more cost-effective water management decisions.

We measure rivers, we provide flood warnings, we simulate floods, we model droughts, we advise on risks with the water environment.

We’re your partner for a comprehensive data, analysis and advisory service.

Our areas of expertise

Monitoring and measurement

We design, install and operate flow, level and water quality monitoring networks for rivers, reservoirs and groundwater, we provide flood warning services and specialist training in hydrometric monitoring, we develop and supply data management software, and we conduct MCERTS inspections, training and audits—to help you make better decisions.

Learn more about our Monitoring and Measurement capabilities


Water resources

We provide water resources planning, management and modelling services—using the Hydro-Logic® Aquator system—to help you make effective business decisions, both now and for the future.

Learn more about our Water Resources Consultancy capabilities





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