Certification du système Up-Flo™ Filter
Posted - 13 January 2017
Les autorités de protection environnementale du New Jersey ont renouvelé la certification du système Up-Flo™ Filter pour son extraction de…
Our new online tool makes it easy for engineers to design and specify customized flow control valves for US LID and flood protection projects.
We have launched a new iteration of the Hydro-Brake® Optimum online design tool to help US engineers to design and specify flow control valves with complete flexibility.
The Hydro-Brake® Optimum vortex flow control valve provides unpowered, self-activating flow control as part of environmentally sustainable flood protection and low-impact development (LID) projects, enabling designers to mimic natural drainage patterns within a built environment, or to slow and store otherwise damaging quantities of stormwater.
As the only vortex flow control valve in which the head/discharge relationship can be precision engineered to fine tune the hydraulic design curve, the Hydro-Brake® Optimum is infinitely flexible, and our online design tool enables engineers to tailor performance to meet site-specific flow control requirements to:
The online tool provides fully integrated and free-to-use support for designers and specifiers working on surface water, foul and combined sewers or network flow control applications, and provides the capability to validate and output detailed design drawings.
To register for an account visit https://designtools.hydro-int.com.