Posted - 31 July 2023

Hydro-Brake® Optimum is now part of Site3D

We’re excited to announce that the Hydro-Brake® Optimum flow control is now included in the Site3D civil engineering design software platform.

The Site3D platform helps engineers to manage engineering projects for a range of applications, including residential, commercial and critical infrastructure, and incorporating Hydro-Brake® Optimum now allows users to precisely tailor water quantity management for storm, surface, foul or combined water across a wide range of flows.

Site3D joins Autodesk and Causeway Flow in offering our market-leading flow control as part of its suite of design resources.

Alongside these resources, engineers can also design and specify flow controls and stormwater treatment systems in the Hydro International online design tool. The tool delivers detailed hydraulic design information as well as drawings that can be incorporated into design projects and submittal packages.


About Hydro-Brake® Optimum

The Hydro-Brake® Optimum vortex flow control provides customised water quantity management for surface, foul or combined water across a wide range of flows and for a variety of applications.

Precision-engineered to meet site-specific flow, head and storage requirements, only the Hydro-Brake® Optimum leverages more than 40 years of vortex flow control expertise to deliver exceptional flood protection and sustainable drainage.

Learn more: Hydro-Brake® Optimum

Book a CPD

One of our technical experts will be happy to provide an in-person or virtual CPD on the Hydro-Brake® Flow Control Series. 

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