Stormwater Management

Manage surface water runoff and capture stormwater pollutants to comply with regulations and reduce damage to the environment.

Climate change and urban growth have created more frequent and more intense storm events and greater amounts of impermeable and impervious surfaces, particularly in residential and municipal areas. This generates surface water runoff, which, if not controlled, can cause surface or sewer flooding. The runoff can also pick up a range of pollutants, including oils, heavy metals, nutrients and sediment (TSS, or Total Suspended Solids).

When this stormwater runoff reaches a storm drain or sewer it transports any pollution into the network, which may discharge directly or indirectly into the environment.

Our innovative stormwater screening, separation and filtration products control, catch and retain stormwater runoff pollution before it reaches the environment, preventing damage to fragile and important ecosystems. Our solutions are designed to enable integrated green infrastructure initiatives such as low-impact development (LID), sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) and water-sensitive urban design (WSUD) projects. 

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If you'd like further information about our stormwater management products, solutions and technologies please get in touch

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