Bathymetry and river surveys

Get more accurate and reliable survey information for your reservoirs and rivers.

Bathymetry is the measurement of the river or reservoir bed (ground surface) where it is below water level.

Bathymetric surveys are required in rivers, canals and reservoirs for applications in hydrometry (measurement), navigation and water resources.

Our Hydro International consulting team has a range of Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) boats which can be deployed to undertake Bathymetric surveys. This allows the rapid collection of detailed bed profiles as well as velocity profiles, all of which is geo-referenced using inbuilt differential GPS (dGPS).

Our Services

  • Bathymetric surveys of lakes and reservoirs
  • Cross-sectional surveys of rivers and canals
  • Detailed Velocity Contour plots

See also

View our other Monitoring and Measurement services.


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