Retrofit Heliscreen updates Yorkshire Combined Sewer Overflow

Yorkshire Water improved a combined sewer overflow's water quality by upgrading to a Heliscreen® from Hydro International


Yorkshire Water Services Ltd was undertaking a project to upgrade Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) facilities and improve the region's water quality to the Environment Agency's standards.


In severe storm conditions an overflow from a pumping station was discharging to the watercourse.


Yorkshire Water upgraded this site to a positive screening method with a Heliscreen® from Hydro International.  This 1000 mm x 3000 mm Heliscreen® is incorporated into a single high-sided weir, with pumped continuation flow to treatment.


Now, solids are retained within a sump to be pumped to the treatment works, but in the event of a severe storm, the Heliscreen® is designed for a maximum inlet flow of 934 l/s (1 in 5 year), and a maximum screened flow of 714 l/s and prevents unscreened flows reaching the watercourse.


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