Hydrometry & Monitoring

Use real-world, real-time data to make better flood response, resource planning and asset management decisions.

Built and natural water environments are large and complex systems, and it can be difficult to model and forecast supply, demand and flood risk.

In many cases people rely on outdated, incomplete or unrepresentative climate and hydrometric data to make critical and urgent decisions, or—worse—make decisions without the benefit of data at all.

Our data loggers, telemetry, databases and analysis systems and equipment provide real-time, real-world insight into local and remote environmental, water network and system conditions, helping you to improve your incident response, resource planning and asset management activities. 


  • Water quality monitoring
  • Wastewater monitoring
  • Drinking water quality monitoring
  • Suspended solids monitoring
  • River water quality monitoring
  • Stormwater monitoring
  • Water hardness monitoring
  • Water pressure monitoring
  • Sewer and drainage monitoring
  • Environmental sampling

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If you'd like further information about hydrometry and water monitoring products, solutions and technologies please contact us



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