Hydro-Brake Optimum Delivers Tight Fit for New Homes Storage in West Yorkshire, UK
A Hydro-Brake® Optimum vortex flow control enabled the designers to meet the 110 l/s maximum limit whilst not exceeding the available storage on site.
Saffron Park, in Liversedge, is located between Huddersfield and Leeds and comprises 52 two to five bedroom houses on a plot sandwiched between existing housing and two roads.
The site falls nearly three metres from north to south, and surface water from roadways and drives drains via gulley traps to the temporary storage provision along the lower perimeter next to Miry Lane.
Engineers were challenged to solve a “tight-fit” surface water management challenge on a new homes development in West Yorkshire turned to Hydro-Brake® Optimum to keep flood protection measures well within safe limits. They needed to limit the maximum surface water flow from the new development to 110 l/s for a 1 in 100 year flood event.
“When we calculated the drainage discharge from the site and the available storage provision, it was going to be difficult to achieve the maximum limit of 110 l/s for 1 in 100 years flood event, plus an allowance for climate change," said Luke McCabe of Paul Waite Associates. "Using conventional flow control devices would have required more back up storage than would fit in the space available.
To ensure that the discharge rate limits were met despite the site constraints, Hydro International’s Hydro-Brake® Optimum vortex flow control was specified to control the outflow to the drainage network.
When we used the online Hydro-Brake® Optimum Design Tool, it showed that we could recommend a Hydro-Brake® Optimum as it required less storage and met the Environment Agency’s planning requirements easily. The Design Tool allowed us to output drawings and data and was simple to use.